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18 Creative Online Resume Ideas to Stand Out in 2024


Are you on the hunt for thrilling projects to contribute your creative expertise? Your online personal resume website is your ticket to success! Let's bring your resume to new heights with these creative resume website templates.

Maxino Personal Resume Website in HTML5Maxino Personal Resume Website in HTML5Maxino Personal Resume Website in HTML5
Use Maxino Personal Resume Websites in HTML5 to create a unique resume site.

You'll need an online resume website to stand out in today's marketplace. It'll help you leave a memorable first impression.

What sets online resumes apart from resume websites? These terms are often used interchangeably.

But an online resume is a simple digital version of your traditional resume. Whereas a resume website, as the name suggests, is a website. It helps you dynamically present your talent, work experience, and credentials.

In this article, we'll sometimes use the term online resume website. But it still refers to personal resumes that come as a website.

As a creative professional, resume websites are your ideal choice.

A whole website just for your resume? Yes. And with the fantastic resume website templates, it’s much easier to create than you think. In this post, I'll share the information and tips you need to make it a success.

Why You Need a Creative Online Resume Website

Are you a creative professional working in one of the many digital fields such as:

  • web design
  • graphic design
  • web development
  • coding
  • animation
  • photography
  • music production

If that's the case, it's important to have an online resume website that's familiar to you. In today's digital age, it's the best way to showcase your talent. 

With a resume website, you're not constrained to keep it within one to two pages. 

Web resumes are versatile tools that can serve many purposes:

1. A Stand-Alone Addition to Traditional Resume

Some employers request a link to the applicant's resume portfolio website. Your resume website can't be an afterthought to your "regular" resume anymore. It should be a stand-alone piece with all the information a complete resume needs.

2. Control What Employers See When They Google You

But there’s an even more important reason why you need to create a resume website today. And it’s called Google.

Your name has passed the first slush pile of resumes and into the shortlisted candidates. What do you think is the first thing a future employer or an HR manager will do now? Google you, of course! 

And no, they won't be looking to see your social media presence or if your name is linked to any suspicious activity. They'll be mainly looking to get a glimpse of you. They'll be trying to understand who you are, what you do, and whether you may be a good fit for their company culture.

It's a big risk to let Google do its thing naturally. Their search results may not correspond to the real and professional you.

You can best take things into your own hands. Create a resume website containing all the right information.

Envato Elements Resume Website ExampleEnvato Elements Resume Website ExampleEnvato Elements Resume Website Example
Creative Personal Portfolio Resume HTML5 Template from Envato Elements

It's important to understand their significance in today's marketplace. This understanding equips you to choose the perfect personal resume website template.

What to Include On Your Resume Website

Crafting an impactful resume website involves professionally showcasing your skills, experience, and personality. The main idea is to showcase things you can't show on your regular resume.

1. About Me Section

Mat - Resume Webpage Templates from Envato ElementsMat - Resume Webpage Templates from Envato ElementsMat - Resume Webpage Templates from Envato Elements
Mat - Resume Webpage Templates from Envato Elements

Start with a brief yet impactful introduction that highlights your unique selling points. It sets the tone for the rest of your website, too. Here's where you can include more about your background, career objectives, and interests. This allows visitors to get to know you beyond your professional achievements.

Be sure to include other details in your online or traditional resume. For example, contact details, skills, and work experience. 

2. Showcase Your Work or Portfolio

Vfolio- Personal Portfolio/CV HTML TemplateVfolio- Personal Portfolio/CV HTML TemplateVfolio- Personal Portfolio/CV HTML Template
Vfolio- Personal Portfolio/CV HTML Template from Envato Elements

Showcasing your work solely on a traditional resume can be limiting for creatives. A resume portfolio website gives you the flexibility to add multimedia.  They bring your top projects, case studies, and achievements to life.

3. Build Trust With Testimonials 

Roberto. - Onepage Horizontal Personal CV/Resume HRoberto. - Onepage Horizontal Personal CV/Resume HRoberto. - Onepage Horizontal Personal CV/Resume H
Roberto. - Onepage Horizontal Personal CV/Resume from Envato Elements

Add endorsements from previous employers, clients, lecturers, or colleagues. Select quotes that highlight your strengths and professional reputation. This helps build credibility and trust.

4. Include a Blog (If Relevant)

Alan Resume Website & Blog Template from Envato ElementsAlan Resume Website & Blog Template from Envato ElementsAlan Resume Website & Blog Template from Envato Elements
Alan Resume Websites & Blog Template from Envato Elements

If you want to be a thought leader in your industry, include a blog section in your resume webpage. This lets you share industry insights, thought leadership articles, or personal reflections.

Ready to unlock your countless opportunities online by crafting your resume webpages? Let's start by choosing the best online resume website template. And then, proceed to customize it to reflect your unique style!

Here's a tutorial that can help you create a creative online resume using a template:

Below, I share 18 creative resume ideas to help start with making your own online resumeThey include a resume website example with an image and link. You can pick any of these and begin customizing them immediately!

18 Creative (CV) Online Resume Website Ideas

Here are 18 great creative resume ideas for online resumes:

1. The Sectioned One-Page Parallax 

Since your resume is your story, the first idea is a one-page resume based on the popular website style called parallax. As you know, a single web page can be a thousand miles long if you want to, so don't worry about your resume being too short.

The benefit of the one-pager is that it allows you to tell your story to the viewer in a specific order. It's up to you whether you want to start with:

  • your professional achievements
  • your education
  • your previous positions and collaborations
  • some interesting fact about yourself 

By choosing the scrolling one-page resume idea, you're taking control of the order in which you present your story.

That's not to say that scrolling should be the only navigation of your web resume. That would be annoying and impractical. Your online resume template should still provide a menu to help viewers quickly and easily navigate to specific places on your page.

Are you not a big fan of too much color and fanfare? This personal one-page resume website template allows you to use the same idea in a sleeker version. It gives you the flexibility to add a dash of color (of your choice) to the clean, modern design.

Jess - Personal One Page Resume Website ThemeJess - Personal One Page Resume Website ThemeJess - Personal One Page Resume Website Theme
Jess - Personal One-Page Resume Website Theme

2. Brush-Themed Graphics 

Let your CV website reflect you as a creative professional. Dizme offers the perfect blend of playfulness and professionalism for your resume website. The strategic use of open space gives it a sense of calm and confidence. 

Its well-divided sections feature unique brush-themed graphics. This adds a touch of creativity while maintaining a polished appearance.  

Dizme Personal Portfolio TemplateDizme Personal Portfolio TemplateDizme Personal Portfolio Template
Dizme Personal Portfolio Template

3. The Timeline

Another creative resume idea is to build your resume website using a timeline. It's something like the old Facebook newsfeeds if you remember those.

The benefit of the timeline is that you can build quite a rigorous storyline for your viewer to follow.

Perhaps there’s much to be said about the development of your work and career. Or maybe you want to outline the outstanding path of your education. Whatever it is, the timeline structure can offer your reader a clear line to follow.

Ultra - Structured Online Resume Folio TemplateUltra - Structured Online Resume Folio TemplateUltra - Structured Online Resume Folio Template
Ultra-Structured Online Resume Folio Template

4. Illustrations With No Photos

Only some people are comfortable with the idea of showcasing their face on a website. Even if it's on their portfolio CV website. An easy solution to this is to rely solely on illustrations and icons. Mer's is an example of a resume website that uses this technique effectively. 

Mer's - Personal Portfolio Illustration Resume WebsiteMer's - Personal Portfolio Illustration Resume WebsiteMer's - Personal Portfolio Illustration Resume Website
Mer's - Personal Portfolio Illustration Resume Websites

5. The Tiles

But what if your story isn’t so structured? The wonderful thing about resume websites is that you can structure them any way you want. Tiles are one of your many creative options.

Viewers can decide which tile to click once they are on your homepage. This means they get to choose their own journey. 

Tiled online resume website templateTiled online resume website templateTiled online resume website template
Mr. Resume - Tiled Online Resume Website Theme.

6. Live Light and Dark Mode Version Switcher

Are you looking to add an extra touch of creativity to your interactive resume website? A live light and dark mode version switcher is just what you need.

In the light mode of Ober, you'll see a moon icon at the top right corner of your header. Clicking on that would turn the entire website to dark mode. And now, to switch back to light mode, you have to click on the sun icon that replaced the moon icon. How creative is that?

Ober also has a blog section that includes search, tags, categories, and social sharing.

Ober personal resume website exampleOber personal resume website exampleOber personal resume website example
Ober Personal Resume Website Examples

7. The Slide

Don’t fancy all that scrolling and want to offer a more “grounded” experience? How about staying “put” on the page and simply doing a left-to-right slide with your content? This way, you can keep your reader’s attention focused on just one page at a time and the information it contains.

In the online resume webpage featured below, you can choose an image of yourself as the background. It'll emphasize the connection to what makes you a real person.

MEE - Responsive Online Resume Website ThemeMEE - Responsive Online Resume Website ThemeMEE - Responsive Online Resume Website Theme
MEE - Responsive Online Resume Website Examples

8. The Animated Resume

Another excellent feature the web provides, and paper doesn't, is movement and animation. Animation helps engage your viewers and showcases your creativity.

Check out this creative reveal resume template. It reveals more and more information as you click around the different parts on the screen. 

unRovr - Responsive Resume ThemeunRovr - Responsive Resume ThemeunRovr - Responsive Resume Theme
unRovr - Responsive Resume Theme

9. The Screen Play

Are you looking for creative ways to break up the screen view for a new experience? How about an interactive resume with an animated timeline and portfolio?

This online resume template example includes an excellent play with the links at the top. It opens up when clicked to offer more information.

cvCard - Animated vCard Resume Site ThemecvCard - Animated vCard Resume Site ThemecvCard - Animated vCard Resume Site Theme
cvCard - Animated vCard Resume Site Theme

10. In Full Swing

What's another thing that paper can’t do? Play videos, of course!

Why not use your online resume website to feature a short video about yourself or your work? Video-playing capabilities are important for people who create and produce videos. But it works well for others who want to showcase their fun and friendly personality. 

The creative online resume template below allows you to easily add a video to the hero area of your website. Use it to establish a personal connection right from the get-go.

Sukces - Creative Resume & Portfolio ThemeSukces - Creative Resume & Portfolio ThemeSukces - Creative Resume & Portfolio Theme
Sukces - Creative Resume & Portfolio Theme

Don’t want your video to feature so prominently? This bold template lets you link videos into your portfolio. It has a play button ready to go when the viewer scrolls over them. The videos open in a pop-up box, allowing comfortable viewing.

11. Sleek and Minimal

How about a sleek and minimal interactive resume with a filterable portfolio? Sometimes, all you need is a splash of creativity paired with a sleek design to stand out from the crowd. Check out how NEW Retina Ready Vcard template does this well. It makes it easy to focus on details and includes a hover animation.

Retina Ready Vcard TemplateRetina Ready Vcard TemplateRetina Ready Vcard Template
Retina Ready Vcard Template

Confidence template is another example of minimal design paired with subtle animation details. This creative online resume example uses minimal color and an elegant parallax effect. This helps draw attention to different resume sections.

Confidence templateConfidence templateConfidence template
Confidence Resume Webpage Template

12. An Open Book

Want to give future employers the feel of reading a book? Then, the Bookcard online resume website example will do the job. This template starts off like a book or magazine cover and then flips open when you click the button. Employers can then scroll through each section to get more information. It feels just like a physical book.

Bookcard templateBookcard templateBookcard template
Bookcard Resume Website Examples Template

The MahaZara.S creative resume template uses the same principle but with a slightly different approach. The template uses the full available width of the screen and gorgeous background imagery. It doesn't mimic a physical book.

MahaZara S TemplateMahaZara S TemplateMahaZara S Template
MahaZara S. Personal CV Website Template

13. Going Material

A popular trend in websites is the use of material design. Take advantage of this by using a creative material resume template like Matresume. This template is fully responsive. It resembles a mobile application, making it a perfect choice to ensure your interactive resume looks great on mobile devices.

Matresume material design resumeMatresume material design resumeMatresume material design resume
Matresume Material Design Resume

The I’m Mat template uses an interesting variation of the material style. Not only does this template use material design, but the background image zooms in and out as you’re scrolling through.

Im Mat templateIm Mat templateIm Mat template
I'm Mat Resume Website Theme

14. Dark Mode

Dark mode is becoming more and more popular. It’s easy on the eyes, and it adds a touch of elegance to any website or application. Take advantage of this trend by using a template like Jordis. It has both light and dark versions. The dark version is stunning. 

Jordis resume templateJordis resume templateJordis resume template
Jordis Resume Website Theme

15. Kenburns Effect

If you’re a photographer, an artist, or a designer, you know that project presentation is crucial. Make it stand out with a creative and sleek resume template like Malat. It has several demos to choose from, but the Kenburns demo is perfect if you want to wow your visitors with your past projects. 

Malat personal resume templateMalat personal resume templateMalat personal resume template
Malat Personal Resume Website Examples

It also offers a Zoom effect, so check it for even more creative options for showcasing your work.

16. Angled Sections

We mentioned a sectioned one-page resume earlier, but here’s a fun and bold twist on this type of resume: angled sections. They add a dose of movement and dynamic to your resume. Take advantage of this creative and bold resume template to use in your own online resume website.

Me Portfolio resume templateMe Portfolio resume templateMe Portfolio resume template
Me Resume Portfolio Website Template

17. Glitch Effects

Make a bold statement with glitch effects on your resume. This resume would be an excellent fit for programmers, developers, freelancers, or artists. The Glitche template is a personal CV and resume template. It shows how you can effectively use this effect to create a sleek, modern, and standout resume.

Glitche resume templateGlitche resume templateGlitche resume template
Glitche Resume Website Examples

18. Textured Noise Background

If you want your resume to have a more classic design but still have a dose of uniqueness, an interesting background can be just what you need. The textured noise background on this classic but modern resume template is a great example.

George Lewis resume templateGeorge Lewis resume templateGeorge Lewis resume template
George Lewis Resume Website Theme

Here are five creative online resume templates you can find and download from Envato Elements right now:

1. Gilber - Personal Creative Online Resume Template

Gilber - Personal Creative Online Resume TemplateGilber - Personal Creative Online Resume TemplateGilber - Personal Creative Online Resume Template
Gilber - Personal Creative Online Resume Template

If you’re after a sleek and modern resume template, the Gilber template is a great choice. It features a gorgeous dark theme with elegant transitions and smooth scrolling effects. It’s fully responsive and includes a working contact form.

2. Martyn - Minimal CV Resume Portfolio Website Template

Martyn - Minimal CV Resume Portfolio TemplateMartyn - Minimal CV Resume Portfolio TemplateMartyn - Minimal CV Resume Portfolio Template
Martyn - Minimal CV Resume Portfolio Website Template
Try the Martyn template if you want a modern but minimal template. This online resume template includes several premade demos. Each demo also comes in light and dark versions. The template is also responsive and optimized for SEO.

3. Hailey - Creative Online Resume CV Template

Hailey - Creative Online Resume CV TemplateHailey - Creative Online Resume CV TemplateHailey - Creative Online Resume CV Template
Hailey - Creative Online Resume CV Template

The Hailey template has plenty of creative animations built in and a smooth scrolling effect that loads one section after the next. It also includes many custom icons and a working contact form so potential employers can contact you quickly. 

4. Sam Bailey - Personal CV Resume Template

Sam Bailey - Personal CV Resume TemplateSam Bailey - Personal CV Resume TemplateSam Bailey - Personal CV Resume Template
Sam Bailey - Personal CV Resume Template

Try Sam Bailey if you want a template with a gorgeous full-page scrolling effect. The template has an elegant dark theme, but you can easily customize it to your liking. It's responsive, too.

5. Mikael Modern Creative Resume Template

Mikael Modern Creative Resume TemplateMikael Modern Creative Resume TemplateMikael Modern Creative Resume Template
Mikael Modern Creative Resume Template

The Mikael template has a bold design with a stunning scroll effect. It makes it appear like you're flipping through the magazine's pages. It's responsive, includes the ION icon framework, and has a working contact form.

Free Online Resume Website Tutorials 

Now that you’ve seen what’s possible when you use a creative resume portfolio template, it's time to start crafting yours. Here is the ultimate guide to personal resume websites. It'll take your applications to the next level.

Here are a few free sample tutorials from the guide:

Discover More Top Resume Website Designs

Are you interested in looking through more options? Besides looking at resume website examples, explore the best portfolio themes for creatives.

Here are some top HTML and WordPress resume templates for creatives: 

The Best Source For Creative Online Resume Templates

Envato Elements is the perfect place to find creative online resume templates. You get unlimited downloads of creative resume templates, photos, fonts, and other resources for your next project. All for a low monthly fee. 

Online Resume Website Templates

Creative resume website templates on Envato ElementsCreative resume website templates on Envato ElementsCreative resume website templates on Envato Elements
Creative resume website templates on Envato Elements

Free online resume templates could be tempting. But, free templates are usually less robust than premium, professionally designed templates.

With Envato Elements, the best creative online resume templates have features such as:

  • polished and professional design with plenty of built-in ideas for what to include in your online resume website
  • many layout options to choose the best one for your needs
  • plenty of customization options
As you can see from the examples in this article, Elements templates deliver a modern and creative style that is ready to present your content.
Envato Elements' AI search tool makes it easier than ever to find the perfect content for your next project.Envato Elements' AI search tool makes it easier than ever to find the perfect content for your next project.Envato Elements' AI search tool makes it easier than ever to find the perfect content for your next project.
Envato Elements' AI search tool makes finding the perfect content for your next project faster than ever.
Thanks to Envato Elements' powerful new AI-driven search assistant, you can now find what you need faster. Describe your creative project in a few words, and presto! Just like that, you'll have a collection of digital assets related to your project to pick from.

Do You Need an Online Resume Website?

How will you build your resume website? And which creative idea do you consider most important to showcase your work and personality to future employers? Look through the CV and resume website templates on Envato Elements to find the best fit for you to stand out online.

Use a premium resume website template from Envato Elements. Browse, download, edit, and send out your applications today.

Editorial Note: This post was originally published in 2016. It's been comprehensively revised to make it current, accurate, and up-to-date by our staff—with special help from Brenda Barron& Barni Rajah.

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